P.O.P. Young Adult Group is now called IGNITE!! Our guiding scripture is from Romans 12:11 which states: Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant-MSG.
Vision: To empower young people to stand for Jesus the Christ!
Mission: To teach discipleship and create lasting, purposeful relationships within the body of Christ, specifically amongst the young adults.
The IGNITE Young Adult Ministry at Prince of Peace serves young adults from ages 13 and up. Through culturally relevant activities and events, and biblical discipleship this ministry can promote Godly unity amongst young adults. It is the ultimate intent of this ministry to show the love of Christ and be effective witnesses of the Gospel.
We can be young, saved and on fire for GOD. We are so excited to bring to the community new and fun ideas in the Lord. We hope to interact with you soon!! Remember never let the fire inside your heart go out! IGNITE the flame today!
Youth Leaders
Autumn Appleton
Aleah Robinson