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The ABC's of M.E.D.I.A.

I is for the inheritance which we shall redeem

J is for the joy which makes my heart sing

K is for the kiss of of Judas's betrayal

L is for the love of God which never fails

M is for the mustard seed of faith, that's all it really takes

N is for the never-ending love, thank you Lord for your grace

O if for the obstacles which are sure to come

P if for the praise we will give when it's all said and done

Q is for the quietness which is found in a humble heart

R is for the Red Sea in which the Lord did part

S is for salvation, the undeserved gift

T is for the thankfulness which should always come from our lips

U is for the unity and being on one accord

V is for the victory which is won by the Lord

W is for the willingness

X is for the X in EXAMINE

Y is for yourself, so examine yourself from the start

Z is for the ZEAL you should have after God's own heart

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VISION: To see all inspired through the works of M.E.D.I.A. as we glorify God.

A is for the atonement that was placed on his head

B is for the manger HE slept in as a bed

C is for the name CHRIST on whom we call

D is for the death that he paid for us all

E is for the evangelist that is inside of you

F is for the FAVOR God shows through and through

G is for God's glory which is displayed through you

H is for the harvest which is ripe, but workers are few

MISSION STATEMENT: Ministry that Encourages Deliverance Inspiring All. 

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